by FinGurus | Aug 4, 2020 | Update
Two of the most significant factors that eat into your returns on mutual fund investments are taxes and inflation. You need to plan investments considering these factors to not fall short of setting an amount for your goals. One of the most popular forms of long-term... by FinGurus | Jul 24, 2020 | Update
India’s a country which is seeped in deep family traditions and values, and there are many festivals and occasions where family members give gifts to each other. One of the most common gifts in India is money, and there are several occasions where a member gifts... by FinGurus | Jul 22, 2020 | Update
Of late, India has witnessed a steady increase in Foreign Direct Investments. Indian companies have started taking the business globally, and this has seen lots of money in the form of dollars, pounds, euros, and even Japanese Yen coming in. However, these investments... by FinGurus | Jul 20, 2020 | Update
In lieu of providing convenience for taxpayers, the department of income tax of India initiated the process for an e-campaigns for voluntary compliance. From July 20th, till July 31st, 2020, this campaign focuses on taxpayers who have disparity while tax filing their... by FinGurus | Jul 15, 2020 | Update
If you’re ever looking to get into the world of investing your money, one of the first advice you get is – “have you tried investing in gold?” There’s plenty of logic behind this statement because gold is one investment that matures over time. People generally... by FinGurus | Jul 13, 2020 | Update
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs received multiple representations from stakeholders who requested a scheme where defaulting companies could file the various forms, returns, and documents, without being fined for a late submission. Owing to COVID-19, the... by FinGurus | Jun 29, 2020 | Update
In life, obtaining freedom is one of the most important pursuits. Personal freedom comes with choosing to do what you want, travel where you want, and, most importantly, spend money on doing the things you like. Personal finance is a super crucial aspect of your life... by FinGurus | Jun 19, 2020 | Update
Key Changes in the ITR Form for the financial year 2019-20 Owing to the COVID-19 situation, the Government has extended the deadline to submit your ITR to November 30, 2020. However, it is advised you complete the necessary formalities earlier to avoid the... by FinGurus | Jun 10, 2020 | Update
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, announced the ECLGS or Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme. The scheme was at the forefront of the government’s Rs. Twenty thousand crore financial packages to help businesses. The...
by FinGurus | May 29, 2020 | Update
Working in a Startup/SME comes with its perks – you get to work on exciting new projects, build a brand from scratch, and develop all marketing exercises with brand new insights. Creating the brand and getting the product/service market-ready is one of your key...